Passport for Care with the Children’s Oncology Group

The New Passport for Care® Clinician Website allows pediatric oncology caregivers to enter details about the specific types and scope of cancer treatments that the survivor received into a secure database.

A guideline-based algorithm generates specific risks for late effects from childhood cancer and recommendations for screening, as well as follow-up to manage risks.

This information can be shared with other care providers, including primary and specialty care providers.

Are you a childhood cancer survivor?

The PFC team is now offering access to a Screening Recommendations Generator. In this pathway, a survivor, user or clinician can enter individual treatments or the complete history of treatments into the Screening Recommendations Generator and receive access to the potential late effects associated with those treatments, the recommended follow-up screenings, access to Health Links (survivor educational information), and a list of the relevant guidelines.

Visit the Passport for Care Survivor Website